Signing of Performance Contracts with the Heads of Department/Units (HODs) in the State Department for Public Service for the Financial Year 2023/2024.
What gets measured gets done.
I have today signed Performance Contracts with the Heads of Department/Units (HODs) in the State Department for Public Service for the Financial Year 2023/2024.
This is in line with the guidelines that require the cascading of PCs from the Cabinet Secretary to the Principal Secretaries and then to the HODs.
The aim of the Performance Contracts signing is to accord all the HoDs and their staff an opportunity to implement performance targets that are aligned to the Ministry's key priorities in line with the Government's National Development Agenda.
Therefore the tool will not only be instrumental in supporting evidence based decision making but will also help them to be accountable for their actions.
Heads of Department play a critical role in ensuring key results and targets are aligned to the Government's Bottom up Economic Transformation Agenda therefore, are the drivers of the State Department agenda in ensuring that we have an agile, responsive and citizen centered public service.