The Human Resource Management Directorate is responsible for overall coordination of the Human Resource Management function in Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Counties (MDACs).
Core Functions
- Provide policy guidance and strategic advisory in the management of Human Resource in the Public Service;
- Formulate/review, implement, monitor and evaluate human resource policies/ guidelines, systems, norms and standards for the transformation of the Public Service;
- Liaise with the Public Service Commission, Salaries and Remuneration Commission and the National Treasury on review of terms and conditions of service for the Civil Service;
- Review, implement, monitor and evaluate Comprehensive Medical Insurance Schemes for a healthy and productive Public Service;
- Review, implement, monitor and evaluate Group life, Last Expense, Work Injury Benefit (WIBA) and Group Personal Accident (GPA) insurance covers for Civil Servants and employees of National Youth Service (NYS);
- Welfare of Staff which includes Medical Insurance Schemes;
- Develop and implement a post-retirement medical insurance scheme for retired Civil Servants, Teachers and Discipline Services Personnel;
- Trade Union relations including Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Union of Kenya Civil Servants (UKCS); and
- Provide technical assistance and capacity building for a responsive, prompt, efficient and effective Public Service
- Management of cadres under the Human Resource Management and Development, Office Administrative Services Personnel, Clerical Officers, Drivers and Support Staff, Hospitality Staff and Gardeners.
The Management Consultancy Services Department is mandated to advice the Public Service on appropriate organizational Structures; review and introduce modern management techniques towards attaining the goals of Vision 2030; interpret provisions of the Constitution and translate them into functions, structures, operations and staffing norms; formulate business solutions appropriate for the Public Service; develop and review Career Progression Guidelines; and undertake research, innovation and reforms to promote modernization of the Public Service.
Core Functions
- Advising on Public Sector Reforms and Transformation for enhanced Public Service delivery through development of appropriate organizational structures;
- Developing Staffing Norms, grading and determining optimal staffing levels;
- Developing Schemes of Service and Career Progression Guidelines and;
- Undertaking organization design to improve delivery of organizations’ mandates and implementation of flagship projects of Vision 2030;
- Transforming organizations in line with the Constitution;
- Undertaking stakeholder mapping to improve customer focus, image delivery of service;
- Developing staffing norms to ensure optimal utilization of human resource;
- Undertaking Job Analysis and Job Evaluation to deliver organizational mandates and restore equity in compensation;
- Undertaking job design to realize expectations of public service delivery and preparing Schemes of Service/Career Progression Guidelines;
- Facilitating, coordinating and monitoring implementation of human resource information systems in the Public Service;
- Drawing proposals, formulating plans and monitoring reform initiatives in various thematic areas;
- Undertaking customer, opinion, and technology surveys;
The Department is responsible for training and capacity building initiatives in the Public Service including spearheading the development, review and monitoring the implementation of human resource development policies and programmes.
Core Functions
- Formulating and reviewing human resource development policies, rules, regulations, procedures and systems in the public service;
- Mobilizing resources for training and capacity building by liaising with Development Partners and other partners for scholarships/fellowships;
- Supporting training, capacity building and technical assistance to County Governments;
- Skills Gap Analysis for capacity development for the Public Service.
- Collaborating with Kenya School of Government to develop and implement in-service training for public officers;
- Monitor, evaluate and audit the impact of human resource development on performance;
- Monitor and evaluate implementation of Training Revolving Fund for the Public Service;
- Coordinate the implementation of Competency Framework in the Public Service;
- Maintaining and updating skills Inventory in the Civil service; and
- Providing technical support to MDAs to undertake Training Needs Assessment (TNA).
- Volunteer and Internship policy for the Public Service
Baseline data for public service delivery innovation policy and strategy
The Directorate key mandate is Public Service Reforms and Transformation.
Core Functions
- Overseeing, driving and coordinating public sector reforms and transformation at both national and county governments (Public service Transformation Framework);
- Entrenching Result Based Management (RBM) in the public service;
- Institutional Capacity building on Reforms and transformation;
- Business process analysis, mapping, modeling and Re-engineering (BPR)
- Facilitating development of public service operating standards;
- Developing and coordinate Public service strategic partnerships;
- Inculcating transformative leadership and change management;
- Promoting transformative values and ethics in the public service;
- Developing knowledge management infrastructure and Emeritus Strategy
- Developing and maintain database of reforms and Reform champions (Public Service Emeritus, RBM, RRI and BPR champions);
- Undertaking customer satisfaction surveys on service delivery;
- Undertaking Information, Education and communication on Reforms; and
- Monitoring and evaluating the impact of transformation policies and programmes, both at the national and county governments Undertaking research and coordinating mainstreaming of Innovations in the public Service;
- Replicating innovations, disseminating research findings and facilitating knowledge management.
Counselling Unit was established in 2006 as part of the public sector reforms, aimed at improving productivity of public servants by enhancing their mental health and wellbeing. In September 2023 the Unit was upgraded into the Directorate of Counselling and Wellness Services.
Core Functions
- Coordinating, developing, implementing and reviewing of policies, strategies, guidelines and standards on workplace counselling and wellness, HIV and AIDS, and substance abuse
- Managing Public Service Psychological Assessment Centre
- Coordinating research on psychological counselling and wellness issues to inform mental health policies and programmes
- Provide guidance on psychological counselling and treatment plans
- Managing client referrals to specialist or other institutions for non-counselling issues
- Coordinating provision of Psychological First Aid and trauma counselling during disasters/crisis
- Establishing and maintaining of an inventory on counselling and wellness issues
- Coordinating implementation of psychological counselling and wellness programmes in the Public Service
- Coordinating psychological counselling consultancy services
- Coordinating preparation, dissemination and implementation of psychological counselling and wellness reports
- Mobilising and ensuring prudent management of psychological counselling resources
- Promoting partnerships and collaborations with other stakeholders in the provision of psychological counselling services
- Coordinating mainstreaming of counselling and wellness services in the public service.
The Directorate is charged with the role of spearheading the development and review of policies, strategies, guidelines and standards on Human Resource Information Services.
Core Functions
- Management of Public Service payroll data and human resource information records;
- Generation, maintenance and review of Unified Payroll Number Allocation and Management facility;
- Development and review of Payroll Check-off facilities for use by third party organizations;
- Coordination of HRIS installations for Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Counties (MDACs);
- Provision of technical expertise in Human Resource Information Systems in the Public Service;
- Automation and digitalization of human resource information services;
- Liaison with MDACs in staff establishment control;
- Analysis of human resource information data for decision-making in the Public Service; undertaking of payroll audit in MDACs;
- Generation of designation codes for newly created positions in the Public Service;
- Development and implementation of training programmes for Human Resource Information Systems users.